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Dr. David Talley

Dr. David Talley

Dr. David Talley is Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology and is Chair of the Biblical and Theological Studies Old Testament Department. He co-pastors a local church, and enjoys research in the areas of Old Testament theology, the Pentateuch, and the prophets. His dissertation research on the judgment of pain in Genesis 3 continues to be a focus in his research as he formulates a perspective on godly living in a difficult world. Dr. Talley is passionate about understanding and teaching the truths of God's Word, discipling and equipping others, and "passing on the faith" to the next generation. In 2013, he completed a survey book on the Old Testament, which seeks to focus on both the information of the biblical text and the transformation of the heart. His work has also been published in The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and the Christian Research Journal. Dr. Talley travels extensively with the goal of partnering with the international church and training leaders, especially with a focus on impacting Muslim nations with the gospel. He has traveled to South Korea, Kenya, Thailand, Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Honduras, Dominica, Nigeria, Mexico, and the Congo to equip believers.


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