Most Recent Q&A
- Is Jesus coming back? (video) by: Dr. Matt Carter
Topics: Last Days, Christ, Salvation - Jesus a Warrior (video) by: Dr. Howard Eyrich
How did Christ fulfill the theme of warfare against evil in his first coming?
Topics: Christ, Salvation, Last Days - God the Father vs God the Son? (video) by: Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III
Many Christians believe the Father is an angry God who hates us, and the Son, a loving God who saves us from his angry Father. Is this true?
Topics: Christ, God, Salvation - Fulfillment of Israel's Land Inheritance (video) by: Rev. Michael J. Glodo
How is the theme of Israel’s land inheritance fulfilled in Christ?
Topics: Christ, Biblical Theology - The Superiority of Jesus' Sacrifice (video) by: Dr. Joel C. Hunter
How was Jesus' sacrifice for sin superior to the sacrifices in the Old Testament?
Topics: Salvation, Christ - The Holy Spirit in the Farewell Discourse (video) by: Dr. Mike Fabarez
How do Jesus words in the Farewell Discourse in John chapters 14-16 point to the deity and distinct personhood of the Holy Spirit?
Topics: Holy Spirit, Gospels and Acts