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Dr. Thomas Petter

Dr. Thomas Petter

Dr. Tom Petter is Associate Professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Born and raised in French-speaking Switzerland, Dr. Petter first came to the U.S. in 1986. Prior to teaching at Gordon-Conwell, Dr. Petter was an Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield, PA. Over the past 25 years, he has kept his ties with his alma mater University of the Nations (Youth With A Mission), and has taught at several of the universitys locations in Hawaii and Montana; Germany; France; and Togo, West Africa. Dr. Petter has been actively involved in the publication project of Tell Dothans Western Cemetery, and was also involved in the Tell Madaba Archaeological Project at the University of Toronto. The goal of the project is to excavate the Tell Madaba and to incorporate those findings into a regional database. Dr. Petter was a staff member working with Late-Bronze Age-Iron Age I materials. He has authored and contributed to several publications, including the Dictionary of Old Testament: Historical Books, The Archaeology Study Bible and most recently The Land Between the Two Rivers: Early Israelite Identities in Transjordan (coming November 2013). Dr. Petters scholarly interests include ethnicity in ancient Israel, early Israel in Transjordan, the doctrine of justification, Biblical Hebrew syntax and Hebrew exegesis. An ordained minister, he currently serves as pastoral associate at Trinitarian Congregational Church in Wayland, MA. Dr. Petter and his wife, Donna, also a professor at Gordon-Conwell, have a son, Marcus, and live in Hamilton, MA.


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