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Dr. David Garner

Dr. David B. Garner is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and vice president for Institutional Partnerships at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina (1987), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1992), and Westminster Theological Seminary (Ph.D., 2002). An ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America, Dr. Garner has served in pastoral ministry, theological education, and parachurch ministries since 1986. From 2003-2007, Dr. Garner has served as director for TE3 (theological Education for Eastern Europe), a theological training ministry based in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has written a number of essays and articles, including "The First and Last Son: Sonship in Pauline Soteriology," in Resurrection and Eschatology: Essays in Honor Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., "Rescuing the Church from the Arms of the Digital Deity," (Equip, May 2010), and "A World of Riches," (Reformation 21, April 2011). He is currently completing a book on the doctrine of Scripture.


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