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Dr. Ben Gladd

Dr. Ben Gladd

Dr. Benjamin Gladd is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary. Dr. Gladd received his B.A. in Greek and Hebrew from The Master's College (2001) and M.A. in Biblical Exegesis from Wheaton College (2003). He then completed his Ph.D. from Wheaton College in New Testament in 2008. Prior to joining the RTS faculty, he served as an adjunct faculty member at Wheaton College, teaching New Testament exegesis and interpretation, Greek, and introductory courses on the Old and New Testaments. Dr. Gladd was also an associate pastor at Apple Valley Baptist Church and the director of their Cornerstone School of Theology. Dr. Gladd's interests lie in biblical theology, the use of the Old Testament in the New, apocalypticism, biblical exegesis, and Second Temple Judaism. He hails from the eastern shore of Maryland, and his wife, Nikki, from Grand Rapids, Michigan. They are proud parents of a precocious two-year old, Judah. Dr. Gladd's hobbies entail sports, photography, and all things related to Apple.


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